Friday, April 22, 2022

Autoerotic Elegies: Amazon Author Page Update

Autoerotic Elegies: Amazon Author Page Update: Here is my Author Page, at this link . I have recently updated this so that all the books are available there now.  Here is the ...

Thursday, April 14, 2022

David C. McLean "goddess gives sun enough"

From blog of David C. McLean.

I have a new book of poems forthcoming soon, the first since moving to the UK, which will be available for sale once I have seen the proof. By me, David C. McLean, from Posthuman Poetry & Prose, goddess gives sun enough. Five samples & cover below. I shall update this post once I have seen the physical cover & made the book available for sale.

EDIT. This book is now on sale here at Lulu, Amazon too. This link is to UK Amazon. This link is to US

Blurb follows, then cover:

This book is the first written since McLean returned to England in 2022 , & follows a series of books of love poetry. As such, it shows an attempt to reorient to a life that is meaningful because of earth, nature, beast, & goddess, without any focus for the sexuality with which the flesh, as such, is instinct, & without any sense of social connection. The intensity differs thereby in its focus, though some themes are retained. These are poems about living on, & trusting in the goddess to give the fire & the words one needs to live & feel.


Work from Posthuman Poetry & Prose

Below we shall post the corresponding pinned post from David C. McLean's personal blog, but first list other works from Posthuman Poetry...